D601 稳态剂®
D601 Stabilizer for Cementitious Material
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With great amount of construction work has been carried out, it becomes more and more difficult to find a qualified natural sand for construction work . The sand provided for construction site are often having high content of fine powder and clay materials. Hence, those sand with high fine and clay containing material are washed with low concentration polyacrylamide solution. When they are used for concrete or mortar-making, quick slump loss of concrete /flowability loss of mortar is encountered. The stabilizer is developed to resolve it. The stabilizer itself dosed not have water reducer function. It changed the characteristics of the surface of those matters (such as the fines, clay and polyamides) which downgrades the performance of fresh making concrete/mortar. It is recommended to be used together with superplasticizer. The stabilizer significantly improves workability, slump loss of concrete/flowability loss of mortar and it also have great anti-sticking function.
D601 is in aqueous solution with solid content of 40 or 50%. When it is applied, the dosage is varied with the material as well as the properties of designed fresh mix and hardened concrete/mortar. The working range can be commonly from 1: 9 to 9 : 1 (stabilizer : superplasticizer by mass). There is no side effect when stabilizer is over dosed.
D601 is especially suitable for high grade concrete, high strength concrete products, UHPC products, etc. For high performance concrete, It has obvious effects on viscosity reduction.
(for further info & quote, pls. contact us: market@fuclear.com)
1. 初始无减水性,不增加混凝土的初始扩展度和坍落度;
2. 提高掺量,混凝土坍落度保持性将明显延长;
3. 具有抗粘土/石粉和气温造成的坍落度损失问题;
4. 降低高强、低水灰比泵送混凝土的粘性;
5. 当由于发生意外,在混凝土中过量添加本品,对混凝土没有副作用,不会引起泌水、扒底、砂石离析等现象;
6. 使用本品可以适当降低减水剂的用量。
1. 液体产品包装:200kg 圆桶或 1000kg IBC 吨桶包装;
2. 本品避免阳光直射和冰点以下保存;
3. 当使用新包装时,在原包装中的储存稳定性可保持12个月。
3.当接触到人的身体和眼睛时,应尽快用清水冲洗,对部分人体造成过敏现象时应及时就医治疗 。