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U1601稳态剂是一种具有竞争性吸附、分散超细粉末,降低混凝土粘度,稳定UHPC流动性和保持性、确保UHPC具有良好状态和制品表面光洁性的专用外加剂。可保持UHPC 2小时以上良好状态,解决因含超细粉末造成的混凝土流动度损失过快问题,可保持UHPC混凝土处于良好的稳定状态。
Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) refers to a type of concrete having specific durability, excellent mechanical properties, compressive strength least 120MPa and high tensile ductility and toughness.
UHPC is commonly made of ordinary Portland cement, silica fume, fine quartz, fine silica sand, admixture, water and fibrous materials. To achieve the UHPC, the mixture shall have a low water/cement ratio and the fresh mix shall have a good workability in a designated working time. It means the fresh mixes to be flowable, workable and well integrated within designated working time. Supperplasticizer is well functioned for reducing water demand of a fresh concrete and mortar. By using supperplasticizer alone, it does provide a flowable mix initially but flowability of the mix loses quickly. One of our products named as stabilizer U1601 provides an excellent solution for this issue.
U1601 stabilizer is a surfactant made of a polymeric matter. It has an ability to disperse the ultra fine particles and reduce viscosity, improve the integrativeness and retain the flowability of a fresh mixed concrete/mortar within designated working time. It shall be highlighted that U1601 does not result in air entraiment of fresh mixed concrete/mortar. Hence, its mechanism to improve integrativeness and workability of the fresh mix is completely different from the traditional method by an air entrainment agent. It dose not has adversely effect on the mechanical properties when U1601 is dosed. Compared to supperplasticizer, the U1601 has excellent selectivity to be absorbed on surfaces of clays and fines in fresh mixed concrete/more and cement hydrates. U1601. Thus, when the admixture in UHPC is made of the combination of superplasticizer and stabilizer, it ensures the qualities of both fresh and hardened concrete/mortar as well as the appearance of hardened concrete/mortar (surface smoothness). The working time of fresh mix is adjustable by changing the ratio of supperplasticizer to stabilizer U1601. The working time is able to be designed as long as 2 hours. or even longer.
C1029 polycarboxylate superplasticizer (powder form) is a high range of water reducer, water reducing rate is as high as 30%. It is a guarantee to obtain high flowable fresh mixed concrete/mortar. The combination of C1029 and U1601 is best choice for for making UHPC.
(for further info & quote, pls. contact us: market@fuclear.com)
1. 保持UHPC混凝土具有良好的状态,包括流动度、均匀性等;
2. 配制超低水灰比和超高强度的UHPC,具有低粘度、和易性好的特点;
3. 用竞争吸附的原理解决具超细粉末和黏土类组份对产品性能的负面影响;
4. 使用本品可以适当降低减水剂的用量和水泥用量;
5. 可解决含泥砂、机制砂、山砂、水洗砂等材料造成的质量问题;
6. 可用于复合高铝水泥、硫铝酸盐水泥、膨胀剂、速凝剂等材料,解决其流动性与状态问题;
7. 本品无缓凝性和引气性;
8. 与其它添加剂相容性好。
1. 包装:25kg复合塑料袋或纸板桶包装,内加塑料袋防潮。
2. 贮存:本产品避免阳光直射和雨淋,在阴凉干燥通风处保存。
3. 储存稳定性可保持12个月。
3.当接触到人的身体和眼睛时,应尽快用清水冲洗,对部分人体造成过敏现象时应及时就医治疗 。